I never wanted to race DH, it just happened. Follow me on the Downs and Ups of being a less than perfect female downhiller.
Reluctant Downhiller in action
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Doing it with friends
For a change I'm not blogging off the sofa, instead I'm sat in the lovely setting that is Coed Y Brenin woods. Having spent all weekend driving me around and supporting me, Darrel's gone off to ride leaving me to write my blog and possibly play on the blue trails. I'm tired rather than sore, oh and I'm really sun burnt with killer panda eyes from my sunnies. So this weekend I tried something different, I raced 4x! After last weekends disappointment I was really looking forward to this weekend. I needed to get back on my bike and simply have fun, which is how the weekend worked out. I will admit, I didn't know what I'd fully let myself in for, Darrel had done a 4x race when we first started going out but it was very much a local race. My first 4x race was to be the 2nd round of the Schwalbe British 4x Series, nothing like jumping in at the deep end. Luckily my fellow Fix Distribution/Loeka rider Clare Curtis is a 4x rider and promised to show me and the other first timers the ropes, she even arranged for one of the elite riders to do some coaching on Saturday afternoon. 1pm Saturday, Darrel and I pulled up at Afan. The track was already taped and a few riders were heading down the course. After an excited reunion with Clare, her partner Jo and Sheena, Darrel and I went to walk the track. I was pleasantly surprised, unlike DH the track isn't out to kill you. After last weekends crash I didn't know how I'd feel on a track, so for my first run I took the Jedi, and found after only the first couple of sections that the DH bike was total overkill on the track, though the rocky section was lovely and smooth :) I also discovered I'd broke my rear shifter in last weeks off so the lack of gears totally ruled the DH bike out. Stupidly I was nervous about riding the Yeti, not because of ability, but because there were a lot of fast riders on Yeti 4x bikes and my XS ASR5 with saddle down looked too much like it belonged. And in fairness after a twiddle on the suspension set up, the little trail bike felt very much at home on the 4x track. After a few runs down I was starting to feel relaxed and had definitely got over my bad weekend, this was helped by the fact that 4x is very much more relaxed than DH racing.
Me and Sheena watching practice
At around 4pm we were met by our elite rider for a coaching session, working our way down the track being told about technique and line choice. Again this was a really informal and fun session, with us looking at hitting lines through the rock garden and trying to pump the bike to keep speed up. After this session came my 4x fear, the dreaded gate. Clare took me up the top and we watched a few riders set off, and I noticed the gate was different to I expected with it falling away from the riders (my big fear was it being like the MX gates which fall towards the riders). I was nervous for my first go, and clambering up on to the start block was awkward, my short legs and unstable ankle (old injury) not helping. Once up I lined the bike up and opted for the 1 foot down start, the disembodied voice started and then BANG, the gate fell and off I went, the extra height of the gate giving a little more speed into the first lumps. Clare was brill, she insisted I did a couple of practices before I headed home which I was grateful for, as I realised I was better not trying to clip in on the SPD until the first corner. So it was home for some tea and sleep before race morning. Sunday May the 4TH - Star Wars day OK, owning a bike called a Jedi, I was sad that he was so out of place on the 4x track, but Sunday saw us at Afan Yeti unloaded and waiting to roll. I went with Abigail to warm up in the small bike park at Afan and once feeling relaxed on the bike headed over with the others for some gate practise. I tried a few different lines down, as with 3 other people on the track I didn't know where I would be able to ride come race time. By now the sun was out and the party atmosphere had properly kicked in as race time approached. For those like me not familur to 4x, it runs in Motos (heats) where you are randomly drawn against other riders in your class, so in theory you will ride against the different riders. We got to ride 3 motos and the results from these would determine whether you'd made it into the finals.
My first Moto
My first moto was the scariest, still unsure about how I'd cope with 3 other people all trying to hit the fastest line, I didn't worry too much as I knew I'd be slower than the regulars so hoped that I'd get good clear runs down being at the back. On my first moto, the other riders were gone in a flash, however as I approached the rock garden my line was blocked by a rider down, I switched happily onto another line and passed the rider, pedalling to make up lost time and crossing the finish in 2nd. The motos run fast and it was straight back up to the top to wait for the next one, with only 30min max until it was back on the bike to do it all again, this time I was up against 3 seasoned 4x'r and the difference out of the gate was shocking, I pedalled and did my best to keep up, trying to keep the last rider in sight which I kind of managed and hit my line through the rock garden, loving the lower section. Again it was a quick return to the top for my last moto, This time I had Sheena in my group, and as a fellow 1st timer I was determined to try and keep with her. In practice I knew she had the edge on the top bit of track, which I was struggling to keep speed on. As the gate dropped we were off, I pedalled and kept focused on Sheena, she was pulling away up the top as I expected and as we came to the rock garden I was able to maintain the distance between us, and holding it until the finish. My moto results were 2nd, 3rd (only 3 in that moto) and 4th I didn't get through to the finals but was happy, I'd not come off, I'd ridden confidently and had fun. I was also relieved not to have made it through as my bruises from the previous week were starting to ache by the end of my 3rd moto.
My first 4x Race
So what did I think of 4x; If you are thinking about giving it a go, don't think do it. Despite DH & 4x being classed as gravity events, that is the only thing in common and if I'd tried 4x before DH I'd probably have never taken up DH. The tracks aren't as technical and there is a lot more pedalling needed, to me 4x was all about maintaining speed.
The gate isn't scary, it makes a lot of noise and it was hard to get on, but other than that it was fine. The people are lovely, all the 4x girls were happy to share their knowledge with me and the other first timers. It's very relaxed, although the motos came around fast, the whole atmosphere was chilled and fun.
Chilling in-between Motos
The rest of the racing
I have to put a comment on this blog about the racing.
Firstly my team mate, fellow Loeka lady Clare. Clare was brill, she gave up some of her practice time to ensure that all us first timers had fun and to helped us out if needed. She happily answered any queries we'd have over the racing. Seeing Clare in her natural habitat was great, and her love for 4x is infectious. But the cherry on the cake was she came 4 overall making it through to the A final. I was so pleased for her and it was great to share in her joy.
Katy Curd - Katy also has to have a mention, Katy has been an inspiration to me and such a support in my attempts at DH. Katy was also racing at Afan, but as she holds the Pro Tour title she was allowed to ride against the guys. It was great to see her holding her own against the fellas, and she too made it into the A final, taking 3rd overall in the senior mens class. It was a great weekend and just what I needed after such a hard off the weekend before, so I've got over my crash, got a few bits to fix on the Jedi and then in 2 weeks I'm trying my hand at my first Urban'ish DH race, the Aberystwyth Cycle Festival Conquer the Cliff DH Race.
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