So, since my last blog I've been too Morzine again (post still being written on that one) and again came back brimming with confidence. So I looked for my next adventure/challenge. At the end of July there were 2 races on the BC events calendar that got my interest;
Race A) the Forest of Dean 2nd round Summer Series race
Race B) GAS King/queen of the mountain at Llangollen.
Now the FOD race was on my least favourite track Endo but at a venue I know well, and I could go and practice the weekend before, and knew I could get down it.
The Llangollen race however is on a track I've never seen, Llangollen has a reputation as being gnarly and this race was on the 'easy' track. So a rare opportunity to race at a private venue on a track I'd have a chance of getting down.
I chose Llangollen, as much as I loved Forest of Dean it was becoming my safety blanket and if I want to improve I've got to spread my wings and challenge myself.
As per normal with me, nothing ever goes to plan. I'd not ridden my DH bike since Morzine and the front brake had seized. Darrel kindly offered to fit his M4 brake to the front, a kind offer but I love my old Hope Minis that don't work properly as I tend to ride stuff I'd normally wimp out of through lack of braking ability, simply put brakes that work aren't good to me riding.
Then the night before my parents had an emergency so my packing the van time was spent helping them out, and worrying about them all night.
Saturday morning came, luckily I'd sorted all the gear out during the week so Sat morning was a quick pack the van and scarper.
As we approached the venue the sun was glittering off the tape marking the track, and it was a glorious sight. I signed on for the uplift and in case I wimped out I entered the race at the same time, having not even walked the course.
The uplift was fun, never experienced a tractor trailer uplift so a first for me. Darrel took the lead as we headed down the track, the first sections was fine, pretty straight (not my fav, as I don't do fast) but narrow, so if I stupidly wobbled the bike bounced from one side of the rut to the other. As it turned down there were lovely bermed corners and an OMG moment. Even Darrel slammed the brakes, the course designers had diverted off the main track and put the drop from hell in. From the top it felt like looking over the edge of a cliff, and for Darrel to stop I knew I wasn't over reacting. After several minutes I couldn't get the nerve up to ride it, neither could Darrel so before I really panicked we pushed the bikes over and continued down the track, it was a great course, the dry weather made the corners slippy and some more off piste bits were off camber and loose.
It was just the bit at the top that was really stopping me dead. I did several runs, either ducking under the tape to rind the old track, or pushing my bike down, and as I got more confident on the lower course I was getting more frustrated over my lack of ability on one 2 meter section. I was lucky to have Ali & Jenny from Campbell Coaching racing at this event, both were happy to pass on advice on how to ride it, and on our 3 or 4th run Darrel nailed it. So if Darrel could roll it so would I. I rolled down to the section, parked up off the track and waited for the next uplift to ride it, watching the riders roll down in in various levels of confidence and ability really helped, some went very slow and some darted over the edge, but they all had in common the fact they rolled it. I stood at the top, astride granddad, and tried, but I just couldn't bring myself to let go. Darrel kindly rolled it for me hoping to lead me down but NO, one half of me brain was screaming don't you dare, the other was laughing at me for being such a wimp. At the top of the drop I had a hissy fit, loads of swearing, I even stamped my foot and pouted to the amusement of the Marshall and Medic, who by now had come to watch. As I stood at the top, the laughing bit of my brain won, with a total lack of commitment I rolled down the shoot, screaming on route in fear, then a yipeee of joy as I realised I wasn't dead.
Me getting down my mental block
After pushing back up I rode it again to make sure it wasn't a fluke and happily made my way down the hill, there was nothing I couldn't ride on the track, confident for the next day, but hot and tired we pitched the tent and relaxed to soak up the atmosphere of the event.
But things happen in 3's and I had more thing to go wrong, it rained, I don't mean a drizzle, I mean full blown all night rain. I woke up race morning after a poor night sleep dreading what was left of the track. The Slippy dust was replaced with slimy mud. As people started practicing for the morning bikes were washing out, and riders coming down plastered in mud. I decided not to practice, I knew the course and as the weather was dry the bikes on track were helping to dry it out, so rather than risk a confidence knocking fall on a slippy wet track I was playing it safe, let the others shift the dirt and once the track had settled I'd be fine. We walked the track later in the morning and my tactic seemed to have paid off, the track was a nice tacky and nothing had changed for the worse.
So at 1pm I headed up with the rest of the ladies for our seeding run, as normal nerves gripped me, but overall for me I wasn't too bad. As the tractor approached the top of the hill the heavens opened, a proper welsh shower, the view across the valley was totally obstructed as the rain poured and the track was converted to a stream running down hill. Opppssss
So I started my run, it was a seeding run so for me no pressure, just get down and treat it as practice saving energy and risk taking for the race run. I approached my nemesis drop, as the track diverted off the established trail I modulated my speed as the new trail was on slippy grass and mud, but I confidently dropped over the edge leaning over the back as the bike dived down, I was clear, but as I headed down the trail I just felt something happen, subconsciously I must have shifted my weight to counteract the lack of grip but all I remember is heading over the bars, I twisted my body to prevent landing on my head and tucked my shoulders in, but on the tight track there was no room to roll and think I hit the bank. I got up as quickly as I could, picking my bike up, the Marshall and a lovely guy watching called out to me to see if I was OK, I yelled back then swore a lot, I could feel my shoulder going numb, and just wanted to get down before it seized.
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Me clearing the hard bit on seeding run |
I wound my way down, very un-confidently as I was a little shaken from the spill, I noticed however I couldn't hold the bars properly with my left hand and as I got to the off camber bits, the bike slid and there was nothing I could do to hold it up. My left hand may of been on the bars but it was useless. I slid down in the mud and the 2 roll able drops were agony as the shock went straight throw my shoulder. I crossed the line, shaking my head, in 1 run I had 2 offs and one paddling with feet down. I was so disappointed with myself. As the adrenaline wore off it was becoming more apparent that this wasn't just a bruise, I'd done something more and a trip to the medic saw my race day ended as I left in a sling. However despite the pain, I'd cleared the bit that I'd been freaking out about, and I did a race run at a new venue, all be it ending not how I'd hoped.
So it's a week later, the good bits first, X-rays didn't reveal a break, but a rather large gap in my AC joint and my collarbone has been pushed up, further investigation has show I'm very lucky, my ligaments are stretched but not torn. So a few weeks of rest and some excellent Physio I should be back on the bike.
I'm really proud of myself;
- I tried a track I'd never even seen
- I got over a massive mental block
- Despite hurting myself I didn't quit I rode down the hill after my fall
It was a really good learning experience, I can do 'big boy' races and I can get over mental blocks. My fall was just unfortunate, I think I carried too much speed into the drop and didn't appreciate how much speed the bike would gather going over the drop. Being a bit on the big and heavy side I struggle to do little corrections on granddad, tending to have to throw my weight to correct him, not a good idea on a steep slippy welsh hillside.
So I've got 4 weeks to rest and heals then it's back to racing, accidents happen and in all honesty I've been darn lucky over the years.
Here are a few pictures from Saturdays Practice
I'd also like to highly recommend the GAS events, it was a great venue and relaxed atmosphere, the whole event was smoothly run. A massive thanks to Jenny and Ali from Campbell Coaching who let me chill with them pre-race and gave excellent advice on getting over my mental block.
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